We are proud to represent Italian company ICMA San Giorgio in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Baltic States for their revolutionary range of twin screw co-rotating extrusion and compounding lines.
Some of the details outlining the extensive range available are shown below.
Twin-screw co-rotating extruders
ICMA manufacturing range is inclusive of the standard twin-screw co-rotating extruders (V class), the high-torque version (HT and HP class) and high-volume (HV) and practically covers all the types of compounded products, ranging from techno-polymers to bio-resins.
Compounding Lines
We supply extruders and complete systems with all components including turn-key solutions.
For the “COMMODITY COMPOUNDER” we offer dedicated high-performance systems to reduce production costs.
For customers devoted to the SPECIALTY COMPOUND sector, we offer solutions with high technology control and extraordinary versatility. Equally important, we are highly experienced and knowledgeable of the challenges in the specialty compounding market.
We serve the compounding industry with state-of-the-art technology solutions to cover the widest range of formulation/applications requirements
Advanced recycling Lines
The advantages of twin-screw co-rotating extruders from ICMA
The co-rotating technology delivered by ICMA comes in handy when:
> there is a need to process materials that are hardly recyclable with traditional technologies
> you want to obtain a material with higher features to replace virgin materials in technical applications
> you need a very high production capacity. In these terms, it becomes more and more frequently the case of companies normally using single-screw extruders for the recycling of materials from post-consumer, that when it becomes necessary to expand their business, they choose to almost double their production capacity by replacing the existing single-screw extruders with the same number of twin-screw co-rotating ones.
> Another advantage, not negligible considering the trend of the energy costs, is represented by the very high energy efficiency that the co-rotating technology guarantees.
Notwithstanding all these assessments, is still difficult to "sell" these benefits when you have to extrude a seemingly simple product: it must be taken into account, however, that only the co-rotating technology has the unique opportunity to engineering the recycled materials by adding fillers or reinforcements thus giving a much larger and profitable opportunity to the market.
Extrusion / Compounding Lines
The Extrusion/Compounding (also know as Direct Extrusion or In-Line Compounding) allows to combine in one step the compounding and the extrusion phases delivering great advantages like energy savings, less investment costs and a leaner production process.
This method secures then a very economical production process removing the need for re-melting and minimizing the shear stress of the material. Moreover the thermal stress derived from a second melting is totally eliminated together with the energy savings for the cooling and re-heating of the material.
ICMA, by combining its top end technology in co-rotating compounding and calendaring can supply Extrusion/ Compounding turn-key lines for special/filled sheets in various fields, PET foil, Pipes and WPC profiles.
While calendars are proprietary technology, other downstream equipment are integrated from specialist and proven suppliers.
Lab Scale Extrusion Lines
LAB SCALE units for Compounding or Extrusion / Compounding systems (foil / sheet / profile)
We think that an idea is always a starting point for a new development and if you want to develop a new process, products or simply win new customers you need a reliable lab system.
We do not see a lab system as just a small system but as a strategic investment for your company!
These Lab systems are available either for Compounding and Extrusion/Compounding processes (sheet, foil, pipes, profiles)
Master batch compounding Lines
ICMA have for many years offered master batch compounding lines of various sizes and with specialised feed systems to accommodate the most demanding specifications of customers.
Wood-Plastic Composites Line
Pioneer in WPC
Our knowledge in mixing natural fibres and a polyolefin roots back to the early 70’s when ICMA successfully pioneered, first in the World, the process technology for producing a thermo-formable sheet for automotive interior trims made of virgin or recycled polypropylene and wood flour. This patented technology became a world wide success in the automotive industry with more than 50 plants worldwide , delivered during the last decades to the major car component manufacturers. This technology came to be known as Wood-stock™.
This strong know-how led ICMA to successfully develop a full range of WPC applications in Compounding, Sheet extrusion and Profiles
ICMA co-rotating technology provides superior results compared to alternative technologies like counter-rotating in terms of:
> BEST QUALITY PRODUCTS due to: - Superior Melt temperature control - Side feeding of Wood - Superior mixing - Superior degassing
> UNMATCHED FLEXIBILITY both in process production and maintenance
Some of the details outlining the extensive range available are shown below.
Twin-screw co-rotating extruders
ICMA manufacturing range is inclusive of the standard twin-screw co-rotating extruders (V class), the high-torque version (HT and HP class) and high-volume (HV) and practically covers all the types of compounded products, ranging from techno-polymers to bio-resins.
Compounding Lines
We supply extruders and complete systems with all components including turn-key solutions.
For the “COMMODITY COMPOUNDER” we offer dedicated high-performance systems to reduce production costs.
For customers devoted to the SPECIALTY COMPOUND sector, we offer solutions with high technology control and extraordinary versatility. Equally important, we are highly experienced and knowledgeable of the challenges in the specialty compounding market.
We serve the compounding industry with state-of-the-art technology solutions to cover the widest range of formulation/applications requirements
Advanced recycling Lines
The advantages of twin-screw co-rotating extruders from ICMA
The co-rotating technology delivered by ICMA comes in handy when:
> there is a need to process materials that are hardly recyclable with traditional technologies
> you want to obtain a material with higher features to replace virgin materials in technical applications
> you need a very high production capacity. In these terms, it becomes more and more frequently the case of companies normally using single-screw extruders for the recycling of materials from post-consumer, that when it becomes necessary to expand their business, they choose to almost double their production capacity by replacing the existing single-screw extruders with the same number of twin-screw co-rotating ones.
> Another advantage, not negligible considering the trend of the energy costs, is represented by the very high energy efficiency that the co-rotating technology guarantees.
Notwithstanding all these assessments, is still difficult to "sell" these benefits when you have to extrude a seemingly simple product: it must be taken into account, however, that only the co-rotating technology has the unique opportunity to engineering the recycled materials by adding fillers or reinforcements thus giving a much larger and profitable opportunity to the market.
Extrusion / Compounding Lines
The Extrusion/Compounding (also know as Direct Extrusion or In-Line Compounding) allows to combine in one step the compounding and the extrusion phases delivering great advantages like energy savings, less investment costs and a leaner production process.
This method secures then a very economical production process removing the need for re-melting and minimizing the shear stress of the material. Moreover the thermal stress derived from a second melting is totally eliminated together with the energy savings for the cooling and re-heating of the material.
ICMA, by combining its top end technology in co-rotating compounding and calendaring can supply Extrusion/ Compounding turn-key lines for special/filled sheets in various fields, PET foil, Pipes and WPC profiles.
While calendars are proprietary technology, other downstream equipment are integrated from specialist and proven suppliers.
Lab Scale Extrusion Lines
LAB SCALE units for Compounding or Extrusion / Compounding systems (foil / sheet / profile)
We think that an idea is always a starting point for a new development and if you want to develop a new process, products or simply win new customers you need a reliable lab system.
We do not see a lab system as just a small system but as a strategic investment for your company!
These Lab systems are available either for Compounding and Extrusion/Compounding processes (sheet, foil, pipes, profiles)
Master batch compounding Lines
ICMA have for many years offered master batch compounding lines of various sizes and with specialised feed systems to accommodate the most demanding specifications of customers.
Wood-Plastic Composites Line
Pioneer in WPC
Our knowledge in mixing natural fibres and a polyolefin roots back to the early 70’s when ICMA successfully pioneered, first in the World, the process technology for producing a thermo-formable sheet for automotive interior trims made of virgin or recycled polypropylene and wood flour. This patented technology became a world wide success in the automotive industry with more than 50 plants worldwide , delivered during the last decades to the major car component manufacturers. This technology came to be known as Wood-stock™.
This strong know-how led ICMA to successfully develop a full range of WPC applications in Compounding, Sheet extrusion and Profiles
ICMA co-rotating technology provides superior results compared to alternative technologies like counter-rotating in terms of:
> BEST QUALITY PRODUCTS due to: - Superior Melt temperature control - Side feeding of Wood - Superior mixing - Superior degassing
> UNMATCHED FLEXIBILITY both in process production and maintenance